
some of my "fish

Monday, August 12, 2019


Session 9 - final session of the year - will probably begin with rain. Reminder - we swim in the rain but those on the deck should be prepared with umbrellas. If there is thunder and lightning, we will get out. Nothing is expected to last long so hopefully we don’t lose much. We have 2 new swimmers this week, welcome Emma and Taylor. Returning are - Savio, Tazio, Zenio, Emery Bennett, Allia, Jasper, and Violet.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Congratulations to Emma who passed Eels last week and made it to my Wall of Fame. This is my last official level and swimmers have learned all the strokes and become more efficient with them.


Session 8 begins today. 2 cautions for parents. First, our street is being resurfaced today so you can’t park on the street. Pull in the driveway or even better, drive in behind bridgewater and come in my back gate. Second, threat of storms today. We’ll swim in the rain but if storms pop up, we’ll have to get out. I’ll try and post as soon as I can if there are changes. Parents can help on deck by watching radar for me. Swimmers this week are - Lilah, Emery, Bennett, Andrew and little brother Noah beginning for first time, Allia, Jasper and Violet. New swimmers this week are Anton and Finn.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Battle of the log rolling!


Session 7 begins today. Another beautiful day for the start. All private lessons the rest of the way. Swimmers this week are Emma, Maggie, Haakon, Xavier, Preston, Caleb, Andrew, Radley and Zeke. Also this week is new comer Jackson. Welcome.

Friday, July 26, 2019


Looks a little unsettled today. We will swim in the rain. It being Friday, I try very hard to get all the swimmers in for at least a little while. Some have just a couple skills yet to accomplish to finish their level. Hopefully if we get any storms they will be fast moving.

Monday, July 22, 2019


Session 6 begins today under a beautiful blue sky. We survived the heat on Friday quite comfortably in the pool - not so sure about the people on the deck. Congratulations to Jackson and Trevor for passing Eels and making the Wall of Fame. This weeks swimmers are - Henry, Franklin, Tristan, Fiona, Jack, Bella, Lily, Pacey, Margot, Andrew, Rush, Jackson, Trevor, Lilah, Junia, and Esther. New this week are Gray, Noelle, Anders and Riley. Welcome

Monday, July 15, 2019

Last week pictures

Working on back glide

Working on monkey cheeks


Today begins session 5. This is a semi private week so lots of swimmers. Returning are - Zoe, Celeste, Micah, Talia, Claire M., Lucas, Claire T., Vince, Andrew, Anna, Julia, Esther, Jackson, Trevor, Maia, Siri, Kayla and for the first time her little brother Kamren. Also new this week are Pacey and Margot. Hot and humid provides the chance for thunder storms. Parents can help out by watching radar for me.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019


Possibly rain by afternoon. Remember, we swim in rain but not thunder and lightning. Stay tuned

Monday, July 8, 2019


Hope everyone had a good 4th of July. I know I did. We start session 4 today with several new swimmers - welcome to Zoe, Celeste, Grace and June. Returning are Nadia, Aubrey, Ben, Ella, Caleb and Savio. Congratulations to Claire for passing Eels and making the Wall of Fame during session 3.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Thursday #3

cancel 11:30. Still lightning. Check back for afternoon

Thursday #2

Hope to get my 11:30 lesson in. Looks like the main part of the storm has passed but we will still probably have rain


Rocky day ahead for swimming. At this point we should get almost all if not all lessons in this morning. Afternoon we’ll have to play by ear. I won’t cancel the whole afternoon right away. Meyers - check Northfield’s radar before you leave.

Monday, June 24, 2019


session 3 will start in the rain. Be prepared on the deck. Swimmers this week are all returners. Brooke, Griffen, Isaac, Hannah, Luke, Ben, Ella, Claire, Luke and Ben. 2 Lukes and 2 Bens.
Congratulations to Andrew who passed Eels last week and is now in the Wall of Fame.

Friday, June 21, 2019


Weather looks similar to yesterday. We should be good this morning but could have afternoon showers. Kudos to all the swimmers who swam through the ton of birch seeds floating in the water.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Monday, June 17, 2019


Beautiful day for the start of session 2. This is semi private so we have a lot of swimmers coming. Returning are Haakon, Xavier, Whitney, Liam, AJ, Ashley, Audrey, Linden, Cooper, Margaux, Vera, Andrew, Jerrin, Madeline and Regan, Tazio, and Zenio. New this year are Cohen, and Ryan.
Congratulations to Ben and Micah who passed Eels last week and are now on the Wall of Fame.

Last week, Owen and Max getting in some cannonballs

Thursday, June 13, 2019


A little cool to start but the sun is out, water is warm, everyone should be comfortable today

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Well looks like the rain has moved out but it won’t warm up very fast. Don’t forget your towel and maybe a sweatshirt for when you get out. Treading test today for those levels needing it.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


Cool and wet is the forecast. Water is 88 so we will swim unless lightning develops. Coats and umbrellas for the deck.

Monday, June 10, 2019


First session starts today. Sunny but cool. Water is 87 - comfortable in the water but be sure you have something warm when you get out. First swimmers returning are - Ben, Micah, Talia, Claire and for the first time little brother Vince. Also returning are - another Micah, Andrew, Owen and Max. New to my program is Liam.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

April 14

I'm sorry to say my schedule is full for this summer. If you wish to receive a schedule for next summer, email me at My schedule goes out end of February.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

March 28

I have 2 spots left.  Both are in semi private weeks but these are with another swimmer already registered.  These times are the week of June 17 at 1:30 and week of July 22 at 11:30

Thursday, March 14, 2019

March 14

I am almost full. Remaining openings are
Session 2 June 17 semi private.  I have an opening for one swimmer at 1:30
Session 6 July 23 semi private. I have openings for 2 swimmers at a time at 10:00, and 1:00. Also have an opening for 1 swimmer that session at 11:30
Session 9 August 12 private. I have 1 opening at 9:00
That’s all I have left unless someone cancels

Friday, March 8, 2019

March 8

Heres an update before I take off for some sun and warm weather - no snow!
Openings in session 2 semi private at 1:30. Session 4 openings for private lesson st 2:00. Session5 semi private opening at 11:30. Session 6 semi private openings at 9:30,10:00,11:30,and 1;00. Session7 private openings at 1:00 and 1:30. Session 8 private opening at 9:30. And finally sessio 9 private opening at 9:00. As you can see I’m filling up fast

Saturday, February 23, 2019

February 23 2019

Hard to believe I'm working on swimming lessons when we have a blizzard forecast for tonight into tomorrow.  But here we are - new 2019 summer schedule

Session 1     June 10-14     Private

Session 2     June 17-21     Semi private

Session 3     June 24-28     Private

Session 4     July 8-12       Private

Session 5     July 15-19     Semi private

Session 6     July 22-26     Semi private

Session 7     July 29-Aug 2  Private

Session 8     Aug 5-9       Private

Session 9     Aug 12-16     Private

Remember, private is for 1 swimmer at a time - semi private is for 2 swimmers at a time

30 minute lessons - you sign up for a week at a time

507-271-5532  text or phone   email