
some of my "fish

Monday, August 5, 2024

Session 8

 Looks like session 8 will begin wet. Rain forecast for much of the day. As long as the thunder stays away, we will swim. Any changes will be posted here as soon as I can. 

Swimmers this week are - London, Xavier, Guinevere, Juliette, Lincoln, Beckett, Ivy and Ingrid. 

Congratulations to Anton, Beau, and Eleanor who passed Eels last week and are now on the Wall of Fame. That makes 191 swimmers who worked hard and were successful. I asked a swimmer last week which was harder - swimming or football.  He said swimming. 

Payment due Friday - cash or check made out to Rosie Fink

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thursday 2

 Looks like we will be swimming in the rain for awhile this afternoon 

Come prepared 


 7:45 and no rain right now. One app I have shows no rain all day another shows rain around 10:45. So be prepared. If it’s just rain, we’ll swim. Thunder and we’ll have to get out. 

Monday, July 29, 2024

Session 7

 Monday 7:00 AM

Rain just started - supposed to continue till 9:00. Unless we get thunder with it, we will begin as scheduled. Everything on deck will be wet so bring extra towels if you want to sit. 

Swimmers this week are - Ivar, Anton, Beau, Lola, Eleanor, Ralph, Noah, Max, Zack, and Anika

Congratulations to Luke for completing Eels last week and making it to the Wall of Fame

Payment due on Friday - cash or check made out to Rosie Fink

Monday, July 22, 2024

Session 6

 Foggy this morning - better than rain. Morning lessons should be good. Afternoon will be close as rain is forecast. Swimmers this week are Asher, Ava, Emma, Eli, Luke, Cullen, Wren, Max, Beckett, and  Ivy. 

Congratulations to Veronica who passed Eels last week and is now on the Wall of Fame. 

Payday is Friday. Cash or check - made out to Rosie Fink

Monday, July 15, 2024


 Looks like we get a little break from thunder so I’ll begin lessons at 10:00

Monday 8:30

 Looking at 2 different weather apps - one shows stormy through noon - another shows a break around 10:00. So as of now, cancel 9:00 and 9:30. Check back for 10:00 in an hour. 

Session 5

 Monday 6:45 AM

Kind of iffy weather right now. Hopefully storms end before 9:00. Be sure and check back here to see if I have to cancel anything. Remember - we do swim in the rain. 

Payment due Friday. Make check out to Rosie Fink

Swimmers this week - Boden, Islay, Thea, Veronica, Fabian, Felix, Wren, Max, Finn, and Savio. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

Session 4

 Fingers crossed - we might get a week in without rain. Swimmers this week - Poppy, Ellis, Anika, Zach, Cooper, Wyatt, Grady, Dominic, Theo, and Liam. Congratulations to Savio who passed Eels last session and is now in the Wall of Fame. 

Friday, June 28, 2024


 We will be at the country inn today.  Wind is terrible right now and 54% chance of thunder storms at 11:00 and 2:00. Tell them at the front desk you are there for swimming lessons with Rosie. 

Monday, June 24, 2024


 Session 3

Sorry I didn’t post earlier. So far, this might be the best week weather wise. Starting off better anyway. 

Swimmers this week are - Liam, Jack, Livie, Fabian, Veronica, Felix, Finn, Chandler, Gracie and Savio. 

Congratulations to Addyson, Parker and Noah for finishing Eels and making the Wall of Fame. 

Friday, June 21, 2024


 Lessons at country inn today. Same schedule as normal. Just tell front desk you are there for Rosie’s swimming lessons. Remember this will be for all day - even if it should happen to clear up. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday 2

 It will be a rainy day in the pool today. Be prepared while on the deck. 

Congratulations to Dakota, Liam, Griffin, and Margot for passing Eels last week and making the Wall of Fame. 


 Session 2 is not starting well. Radar still showing thunderstorms here and raining steadily. I’m canceling 9:00 and 9:30 lessons. Come back to see what happens rest of the morning 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thursday 2

 Looks like we will have rain soon. I’ll be in the pool till we get thunder


 Forecast isn’t real good for this morning. Hopefully it is just rain. Predicted to start around 9:00. Stay tuned

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wednesday 4

 Looks like the last cell is going through. Let’s try the last 2 lessons

Wednesday 3

 Too much thunder and lightning embedded in the rain yet. No 1:00 or 1:30 lesson. Check again for 2:00

Wednesday 2

 This is not going to pass quickly. No 11:30 either. A chance the afternoon lessons will be affected too. Stay tuned


 Thunder and lightning - no 11:00 lesson. We’ll see how fast it moves to decide about 11:30

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 Looks like the rain will be ending soon. And there hasn’t been any thunder or lightning so I will be in the pool to start lessons at 9:00

Monday, June 10, 2024

Lessons 2024

 Session 1

Here we go -first lesson of this summer. Starting off pretty cool but the sun is out and the water is warm. 

Forecast for tomorrow morning is storms so check here about cancellations. Remember we swim in the rain but not thunder and lightning. 

Swimmers this week are - Ruby, Dakota, Whitney, Liam, Max, Griffin, Margot, Arlo, Miles, and Emma